Photo: Birgir Kruse
Name: Heðin M. Klein
Born: 1950
Selected work: Tað orðið
Awards and nominations:
Two-time winner of the National Literature Award (M.A.Jacobsen) in 1985 and 2016.
Heðin M. Klein is a teacher by profession but has been active as an author, politician and within publishing for many years. In 1969 he published his first and highly acclaimed poetry collection Væmingar og vaggandi gálv. His most recent collection Tað orðið is his seventh and gives an account of his lifelong search for and pursuit of the right word for the right moment to suit the connotation or sentiment that he wants to convey. This long lasting search is somehow also symbolised in the fact that the collection consists of one continuous poem - in fact the longest poem ever written in Faroese.
2015 Tað orðið. Poetry (Mentanargrunnur Studentafelagsins)
2014 Afturljóð - úrvaldar yrkingar
2012 Vatnskorpur fyri tøgnina. Own poems and translation of poems by Paul Celan
2004 Móti tøgnini. Own poems and translations of poems by Olav H. Hauge
1994 Veggjagrøs. Poetry collection (Forlagið Fannir)
1985 Ljóðsins Ljóð. Poetry collection
1983 Strandvarp. Poetry collection
1969 Væmingar og vaggandi gálv. Poetry collection