2 x Short Stories — FarLit


Application deadlines for translation grants are 1 February, 1 June and 1 October

The next application deadline for translation grants is 1 June

2 x Short Stories

2 x Short Stories

So hon starir inn í veggin
So hon starir inn í veggin

Bókadeild Føroya Lærarafelags has just published two new collections of short stories for YA and adults. “Skuggamyndir” by Ingun Christensen has nine short stores about nine people who by coincident take the same buss line one morning. We meet the young boy who cannot get rid of his parents’ strict eyes, the lady in the red raincoat, the man with moustache who is tired of keeping his past a secret, the dark haired girl, the old man on his way to visit his wife at the old people’s home, the young mother who’s having a difficult time making ends meet. The stories of these people and the other passengers get intertwined as the stories go. “So hon starir inn í veggin” is written by Arnbjørn Ó. Dalsgarð, and the stories deal with the type of questions with which we all struggle. We get a peek into people’s complicated minds and into the tormented souls of a man and a boy. We meet the couple who use their fists instead of words as means of communication, and another couple who spice up their relationship with sexual games. The stories are related to the everyday lives of everyday people whether in public or behind the curtains

"Tað orðið"

"Tað orðið"

Haiku Poems

Haiku Poems