
Application deadlines for translation grants are 1 February, 1 June and 1 October

New Children's Book: Loftar tú mær

New Children's Book: Loftar tú mær

This beautiful new children's book has just been published. "Loftar tú mær?" is written and illustrated by Rakel Helmsdal. The figures are hand-made and staged in a scenography which Rakel herself has created and then photographed. The story is a kind story seen from the perspective of three siblings. It is not easy to lose someone dear to you or to talk about death but sometimes stories and pictures can give you the words needed. Although the story is a bit sad it's also full of life and love, and has a happy end. "Loftar tú mær" is published by BFL.

Debut novel: Gloymdur

Debut novel: Gloymdur

Debut Novel: Psykodrotningin sigur frá

Debut Novel: Psykodrotningin sigur frá