
Application deadlines for translation grants are 1 February, 1 June and 1 October

New in Iceland: 43 Smámunir

New in Iceland: 43 Smámunir

Icelandic publisher Dimma has just released the short story collection "43 smámunir" by Katrin Ottarsdóttir. The collection "43 bagatellir" was originally published by Torgard in 2017, and the story behind the 43 stories is that Katrin was asked by an Argentinian author to contribute to an international anthology of stories of only 300 words. Katrin was so inspired by the idea that she decided to write another 42 stories of similar lenght with different themes and perpectives. Each story gives the reader a glimps of the mental state of mind of different characters. The collection has been translated into Icelandic by Aðalsteinn Ásberg Sigurðsson and is one in a row of three new publications by Dimma.

Books from the Faroe Islands 2020

Books from the Faroe Islands 2020

The Nordic Literature Export Organisations Launch New Initiative

The Nordic Literature Export Organisations Launch New Initiative