New Crime Novel for Children
“Flytifuglar” (En: Migratory birds) is a new crime novel by children’s author Elin á Rógvi.
The novel follows 11-year-old Mai who, despite having lived in Vestmanna for several years, feels like an outsider as she is constantly reminded that she is different because she is an immigrant.
One day, when a baby boy suddenly disappears from a baby carriage, Mai and her friend Emma set out to find the boy.
The days roll on and their search becomes increasingly frustrating. But suddenly Mai finds herself with a baby in her arms and needs to run for her life to save herself and the baby.
The author sheds light on what it feels like to grow up in a community where there is a need to bridge different cultures and languages.
Flytifuglar is published by BFL.
Photo of the author by Bjarni Árting Rubeksen